michael shepherd jordan
Writer | Photographer | Adventurer
Welcome to my hiking blog where I feature my adventures hiking Missouri and around the USA. Each post features YouTube hiking videos of me on the trail, photos, custom maps, and my trail review.
“Let’s go on a hike y’all.”
Summer Camping Trip on the Au Sable River in Northern Michigan
Every July we head to Huron National Forest for a summer camping trip on the Au Sable River in Northern Michigan. It’s a weekend full of playing on the lake, skiing down sand dunes, and laughing around the campfire.
Michigan Adventure | Wilderness State Park Michigan | Pure Michigan
Part II of my favorite winter cabin trip. I’m back off the grid at Caps Cabin in Wilderness State Park northern Michigan. On days 3 and 4 of my favorite winter camping spot me and the boys do some slack lining in the snow covered forest, play disc golf out on the ice, and cook up more delicious camping food. It’s Pure Michigan.
Out on the Ice | Wilderness State Park Michigan | Pure Michigan
My FAVORITE TRIP of the YEAR!!! I’m heading out on the ice of a frozen Lake Michigan for my annual winter cabin trip to Wilderness State Park in Northern Michigan. Nothing beats winter camping in Northern Michigan playing around on the ice and in the snow covered forest.