How to Use Keyword Research to Write Engaging YouTube Descriptions
If you’ve ever wondered what to write in a YouTube description, then welcome to YouTube SEO 101! Today I’m going to show you how to use YouTube keyword research to write engaging YouTube descriptions and titles. If you want to rank better in YouTube search (and I think we all do), then using keywords to write descriptions is what you need to be doing.
Can you guess how many keywords I wrote into my description above? (Answer below)
We’re going to be building off of my video detailing Why YouTube Keywords are So Important so if you haven’t watched that yet, take a quick time out and go give it a watch. You can also download my Keyword Research Template and YouTube Report Template as well.
Sign Up for TubeBuddy - Seriously, the best keyword research tool you can have.
My 4 Easy Steps for Writing YouTube Descriptions
Step 1 (Research): Perform keyword research (so yeah, go give that video a watch)
Step 2 (Ranking): Sort your keywords in order of highest ranking to lowest ranking
To Sort columns in Google Sheets: highlight the keywords and their scores (columns A & B). Do not include Row 1.
Click: Data > Sort Range > Sort by: Column B > Z to A > Sort
Repeat for your other columns of keywords
Step 3 (Title): Use the highest scoring (most relevant keyword ) + 1 or 2 broad keywords (score under 70) to create an informative and engaging title (TIP: try and keep it under 70 characters)
Step 4 (Description): Work your keywords into a paragraph detailing what your video is about. You need to do this in a conversational informative tone that doesn’t just list all your keywords.
My Theory for Writing YouTube Titles that Last
The reason I combine a high scoring keyword with a broad (aka low scoring) keyword is because I’m investing in the future. I know that at the moment of writing this blog post I haven’t gained the subscribers or views for YouTube to promote me heavily. I have to earn that through creating engaging video content and establishing a consistent upload schedule. Therefore, the more specific I am with my titles (aka high scoring keywords) the better chance I have to be seen by a niche viewer. In this case, people wanting to learn how to write effective YouTube descriptions.
As I grow my subscriber base and view count, YouTube will begin to promote me more in search. That’s when my broad keywords (aka low scoring) will kick in, because I’ll have more credibility. So I’m doing the work now, knowing I’ll have small views for a while, but when my channel blows up, these early videos will hopefully blow up with it!
Writing YouTube Descriptions in a Conversational Tone
Did you guess how many keywords I was able to fit into three sentences? Answer: 6
I’ve bolded the 6:
If you’ve ever wondered what to write in a YouTube description, then welcome to YouTube SEO 101! Today I’m going to show you how to use YouTube keyword research to write engaging YouTube descriptions and titles. If you want to rank better in YouTube search (and I think we all do), then using keywords to write descriptions is what you need to be doing.
Do you understand what I mean when I say a conversational tone now? I’m not really sure how else to explain it other than showing. If this seems daunting to you, don’t worry. It was for me at first too, but as I’ve done it more and more I’ve gotten better at it and the work goes faster.
That’s it! That’s how to use YouTube keyword research to write engaging descriptions and titles for your YouTube videos. What’s your process like? Do you have any tips and tricks I don’t know about? I’d LOVE IT if you shared them in the comments below. Or you can tell me I’m and idiot. Or just say hi!
I hoped this helped! See you at the next video.
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